
Bluehead Sucker

Native Species of the Month: Bluehead Sucker

Common Name: Bluehead Sucker Scientific Name: Catostomus discobolus discobolus Appearance: Depending on local water conditions, color of skin can vary from entirely silver, to tan or dark brown dorsally, with a white to yellowish white belly; larger fish tend to have… Continue Reading →

Bluehead Sucker and Little Colorado Spinedace Stocking

A Day in the Field – Native Fish Translocations to Kehl Canyon East Clear Creek below C.C. Cragin Reservoir contains a robust population of Bluehead Sucker (Catostomus discobolus), but a recent invasion by nonnative Green Sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) exposes the… Continue Reading →

A Day in The Field- Grand Canyon Juvenile Fish Sampling

Arizona Game and Fish employees participated in USGS led efforts in the Grand Canyon to catch juvenile fish. Backwaters were sampling via seining and in one day over 3,000 fish were captured including over 100 juvenile Humpback Chub! The most… Continue Reading →

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