
Gila Trout

Native Species of the Month: Gila Trout

Common Name: Gila Trout Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus gilae Appearance:  Gila Trout have iridescent gold sides that blend to a dark copper on the gill plates.  They have small, profuse spots on their body typically occurring above the lateral line from… Continue Reading →

A Day in the Field: Gila Trout Stocked into Dude Creek

On December 14th, 2016, Region 6 Department staff stocked 200 Gila Trout from the Whiskey Creek lineage into Dude Creek. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Mora National Fish Hatchery, made the long trek from New Mexico to Arizona. This is the 2nd… Continue Reading →

Featured Story: Gila Trout Management in Arizona

Native to the Gila River drainage in Arizona and New Mexico, Gila Trout (Oncorhynchus gilae) are one of Arizona’s two native trout species. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (Department), in cooperation with New Mexico Department of Game and Fish,… Continue Reading →

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