Common Name: Machete, Pacific Tenpounder, Ladyfish. Scientific Name: Elops affinis Appearance: Overall silver coloration, with yellowish tinge in eyes and the bases of paired fins; dorsal and anal fins fit into sheaths of scales at base; elongated body; straight lateral… Continue Reading →
Every year, tens of thousands of Razorback Sucker larval fish are collected from Lake Mohave by Bureau of Reclamation, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Marsh and Associates, Nevada Department of Wildlife, and Arizona Game and Fish Department. Although these fish still… Continue Reading →
Arizona Game and Fish Department NEWS RELEASE April 6, 2017 Arizona Game and Fish Department applauds federal decision to withdraw proposed listing of two fish species under Endangered Species Act Science provided by AZGFD to professional fisheries committee helped inform… Continue Reading →
Common Name: Yaqui Catfish Scientific Name: Ictalurus pricei Appearance: The Yaqui Catfish is very similar in appearance to the Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Coloration is dark gray to black dorsally while the underside of the fish is white to grayish…. Continue Reading →
The Department recently surveyed Roundtree Canyon to monitor the population of Roundtail Chub. The chub were originally stocked in 2008 to establish a new population within the species’ historic range. Three augmentations to the original stocking occurred between 2009 and… Continue Reading →
This month was the annual Razorback Sucker Round-Up. During this event fish biologist from Bureau of Reclamation, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Marsh and Associates, Nevada Department of Wildlife, and Arizona Game and Fish all gather at Lake Mohave to set trammel… Continue Reading →
On September 23, 2016, Arizona Game and Fish Department and International Wildlife Museum personnel returned approximately 365 Desert pupfish to the Museum’s native fish refuge pond in Tucson, AZ. In a cooperative effort with the Arizona Game and Fish Department… Continue Reading →
Since 2006 Bubbling Ponds Hatchery has been a grow out station for Chiricahua Leopard Frogs. The frogs are either brought to the hatchery as an egg mass or as early hatched tadpoles. The egg masses are generally collected from the… Continue Reading →
Common Name: Speckled Dace Scientific Name: Rhinichthys osculus Appearance: Small minnow, rarely exceeding 7.6 cm (3.0 inches). Color varies from dusky yellow or olive with large black blotches to olive or grayish on back, fading to lighter underside; black spot… Continue Reading →
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