Common Name: Razorback Sucker Scientific Name: Xyrauchen texanus Appearance: Color olive to brownish-black above, lighter below (often yellow). Sides with brown or pinkish to reddish-brown stripes. Dorsal fin dark; anal fin yellow; caudal fin light yellow-brown. Breeding males black or… Continue Reading →
Common Name: Beautiful Shiner; Yaqui Shiner Scientific Name: Cyprinella formosa Appearance: Length up to 3.5 in. Body compressed, its depth about same as length of head. Snout relatively pointed. Mouth oblique. Lateral line slightly decurved. Nonbreeding coloration similar to that… Continue Reading →
Common Name: Gila Trout Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus gilae Appearance: Gila Trout have iridescent gold sides that blend to a dark copper on the gill plates. They have small, profuse spots on their body typically occurring above the lateral line from… Continue Reading →
Waders in the Water – Summer Internships Come to a Close As our internship season comes to a close at the Arizona Game and Fish Department, we would like to recognize our Native Aquatic Program interns for their outstanding performance… Continue Reading →
A Day in the Field – Roundtail Chub Survey at Haigler Creek Happy 4th of July! The Department’s Conservation and Mitigation Program (CAMP) recently surveyed lower Haigler Creek, a tributary to Tonto Creek, to monitor the population of Roundtail Chub. Survey… Continue Reading →
A part of the national refuge system managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Imperial National Wildlife Refuge (INWR) was established in 1941 as a refuge to protect backwaters and marshes for waterfowl along the lower Colorado River. Located… Continue Reading →
May 22, 2017 marked the beginning of intern season at the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The Department offers paid internship opportunities for students who are interested in gaining hands on experience in the fields of fisheries and wildlife management…. Continue Reading →
By – Stuart Wells, Director of Conservation and Science at the Phoenix Zoo Drought, water draws, and introduced species can significantly impact the sustainability of terrestrial and aquatic native species. However, there is hope for the continued survival of many… Continue Reading →
On May 11, 2017, Department and Tonto National Forest staff monitored for longfin dace in Rock Creek near Roosevelt Lake. In 2016, longfin dace were translocated from a nearby stream into Rock Creek in order to establish a new population… Continue Reading →
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